Our Solutions

We offer advanced banking business solutions designed to help financial institutions achieve efficiency, agility, and profitability.

Our solutions include customer relationship management, loan origination, digital banking, payments processing, and risk management, and are built on advanced technologies.

1Q On Core Banking System

OneQon CORE will provide the following business advantages to customers through a systematic system environment.

Internet & Mobile Banking

Provide your individual & business customers with a convenient & reliable digital channel.

InoAn Core
Banking System

InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) is a banking and finance system that enhances customer service and sales by improving processing speed and simplifying product development.

Loan Origination System (LOS)

Accelerate your lending process with our LOS system. Seamlessly manage loan applications, reduce processing time, and improve customer experience

Collection System (Watcher & Kolekta)

The system which processes delinquent account data and uses risk segmentation to determine the appropriate collection treatment.

Management Information System

Auto generate report system to carry out the functions of management.

1Q API Management (TxBroker)

A single platform to create and manage your digital services as APIs in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid setups, to support your digital transformation goals.


Workgroup management, business system, and
e-approval system.

Call Center System

Streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and provide exceptional customer support with our technology.

1Q On Core Banking System

OneQon CORE will provide the following business advantages to customers through a systematic system environment.

Internet & Mobile Banking

Provide your individual & business customers with a convenient & reliable digital channel.

InoAn Core
Banking System

InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) is a banking and finance system that enhances customer service and sales by improving processing speed and simplifying product development.

Loan Origination System (LOS)

Accelerate your lending process with our LOS system. Seamlessly manage loan applications, reduce processing time, and improve customer experience

Collection System (Watcher & Kolekta)

The system which processes delinquent account data and uses risk segmentation to determine the appropriate collection treatment.

Management Information System

Auto generate report system to carry out the functions of management.

1Q API Management (TxBroker)

A single platform to create and manage your digital services as APIs in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid setups, to support your digital transformation goals.


Workgroup management, business system, and
e-approval system.

Call Center System

Streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and provide exceptional customer support with our technology.

Need Futher Information?

PT. NEXT Transformtech Indonesia

Member of Hana Financial Group (HFG)
Jakarta, Indonesia

Head Quarter

  • Mangkuluhur City – Tower One 16th Floor
    South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

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